- Important notice!
Due to high rise of ingredients and shipment costs, all prices are raised accordingly.
- September 22nd, Sun. Monthly Sweets box sale Pick up at Fresh Flours cafe on Phinney from 1pm to 5pm Reservation 206-784-0226 (Please send name, contact number, the quantity of the box by text)
- September 28.29, Northwest Tea Festival Northwest Tea Festival at Sugimoto America booth. Tokara wagashi will be sold.Please come in! https://nwteafestival.org/
- Hello, Summer, Hello, New partner!
Now, you can try and enjoy Tokaragashi at Burien, south of Seattle!
Tori Sake and Grill
202 SW 153rd St, Burien, WA 98166
Tel. (206) 248-1383
11:30am -9:30pm Mon-Sat 4am-9pm Sun